Fee Payment
Students can use their UCSD User ID/Personal Identification Number (PID) and Password/Personal Access Code (PAC) to pay their fees by E-check on TritonPay once the fees are posted to their account. Online payment options include e-check and credit card as well as international payments such as 529 and TRIP. Please visit the Student Financial Solutions website for more information.
Cashiers Office:
Students can pay their fees at the Central Cashier Office after they have enrolled in a course and the fees are posted to their account. The Central Cashier Office accepts payments in the form of cash, check, cashier's check or money order. Payments are accepted by mail and in person. Please visit the Central Cashier website for more information.
*NEW* - Summer Session Triton Registration Installment Plan (TRIP) will now be offered for Summer Session 1, Summer Session 2, and Special Session. Previous TRIP enrollment does not automatically renew. Financial aid disbursement may affect TRIP installment amounts, so we recommend completing your enrollment once all financial aid has been disbursed.