Grading & Transcripts
You are expected to complete all assignments, take all examinations, attend classes regularly, and hand in all work by the end of the session. For more information on grading and transcripts, please select a link at the left.
The grading system is:
Grade | Grade Points Per Unit | Interpretation |
A+, A, A- | 4.0, 4.0, 3.7 | Excellent |
B+, B, B- | 3.3, 3.0, 2.7 | Good |
C+, C, C- | 2.3, 2.0, 1.7 | Fair |
D | 1 | Poor (barely passing) |
F | 0 | Fail |
P | 0 | Pass (C- or better, assigned to undergraduate students only.) |
NP | 0 | Not Pass (Below C-, assigned to undergraduate students only) |
S | 0 | Satisfactory (B- or better, assigned to graduate students only.) |
U | 0 | Unsatisfactory (Below B-, assigned to graduate students only.) |
I | Incomplete | (See Incomplete section below) |
Incomplete Grades
To receive a grade of "I", work must be of passing quality, and there must be good reason for not being able to complete the course (illness, for example).
- Submit your Request for an Incomplete Grade form to the instructor prior to the day before final exams
- The form must be approved by your instructor who must forward it with the final grade roster to the academic department
- If approved by the Registrar, an "I" grade will be replaced with the assigned grade upon completion of the required work. The required work must be done before the last day of Fall quarter finals week following Summer Session.
- If not replaced by this date, the "I" grade will lapse into an "F", "NP", or "U" grade, depending on your student status.
Transferring Credits
All courses offered during Summer Session are University of California (UC) academic credit courses. All Summer Session courses are approved for credit by the UC San Diego Committee on Educational Policy and can generally be equated to corresponding courses at other universities. However, all Visiting UC and Visiting Students should consult with their own institutions prior to enrolling in Summer Session to confirm that the courses they plan to enroll in will be accepted for credit.
Grading Options
Students may elect a Pass/Not Pass option (undergraduates) or a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (graduates) for a course by checking the appropriate box on the enrollment form, add/drop card or through WebReg. A grade of Pass is recorded for work that otherwise would receive a grade of C- or better for undergraduate students. Graduate students must earn a grade of B- or above for a Satisfactory.
- Log onto WebReg and select the correct enrollment term.
- On your list of enrolled classes, click the Change button next to the class you want to modify.
- To change a grading option, select the radio button next to "Letter" or "Pass/ No Pass" to indicate your grading option choice.
- To change number of units, if this option is available, click on the drop-down menu to select the number of units. (Note: Some classes do not have variable units. If the option is available, a drop-down menu will appear on the Change screen.)
- Click Change again to confirm your edit.
- Make sure you see a green confirmation message after you make the change.
- Print the confirmation for your records.
See the Deadlines Calendars and the Registrar website for more information.
How to Get Your Grades
Unofficial grades are usually available via your Academic History two weeks after the end of final examinations. Your student PID and PAC are required to access your records on TritonLink. Transcripts are not available until all grades have been recorded for each session.
UCSD Students: Grades are automatically posted to your records and can be viewed in TritonLink.
UC Visitors: Transcripts are automatically sent to your home UC campus.
Other Visitors: To obtain your grades, you may check your Academic History or order a transcript from the Registrar's Office via the online tool. User ID/PID and Password/PAC number are required to access your grades.
Students can order transcripts via the online tool. Transcripts for visiting UC students are automatically sent to your home campus. Non-UC students can order an official transcript about two weeks after the end of the session. See also How to Request a Transcript.
Ordering Transcripts
Students can order transcripts via the online tool.
UC Visitors: Transcripts are automatically sent to your home UC campus.
Other Visitors: Order a transcript from the Registrar's Office via the online tool. User ID/PID and Password/PAC number are required to access your grades.
See also How to Request a Transcript.