Units (course credits)
UC San Diego students
You may enroll in up to 12 units per session. To enroll in more than 12 units, you will need to submit a Unit Limit Exception through the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) via TritonLink starting the first day of classes. Please note: Unit Limit Exceptions are rarely approved.
Financial Aid
For Financial Aid purposes, please review the Financial Aid Summer Session site.
Visiting students
You may enroll in a maximum of 15 units per session. You have the Summer Session Office as the Visiting Student college.
High school students
You are encouraged to enroll in up to 4 units per session; 4 units per session is considered full-time and is the recommended course load. However, you are allowed to enroll in up to 8 units per session.
International students
If you are an International Student (who is currently outside the U.S. and will be applying for a U.S. visa after receiving immigration documents from UC San Diego) you must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units per session to maintain visa status.